Wodensfield Primary School
'Aim to be The Best You Can'


Wodensfield Primary School is governed by Wolverhampton Local Authority’s code of admission. The standard number of pupils admitted into Reception class each year is 60. Full information can be viewed here: The City of Wolverhampton Council – School Admissions. The link has information about how to apply for a school place and answers many of the questions that parents may have.
Reception admissions - Information packs are sent to nursery children in October each year about choice of school for those children ready to be admitted to a primary school in the following September.
In year admissions or transfers - These are coordinated by Wolverhampton Local Authority. You can contact them on 01902 551122 or via email: school.admissions@wolverhampton.gov.uk
Appeals - Please refer to Wolverhampton Local Authority’s website for more information; there are separate tabs for Primary normal year of entry and for in-year appeals. This is updated February each year, in accordance with the School Admissions/Appeals Code.
School Admissions Appeals - The City of Wolverhampton Council
Nursery Admissions
If you're interested in a Nursery place for September 2024, please collect an admission form from the main office. Deadline to submit your application is Friday 22nd March 2024.
Parents will be contacted after Easter, with offers and process information.