Wodensfield Primary School
'Aim to be The Best You Can'

School Systems

Wodensfield uses a number of school systems to strengthen communication with home, as well as systems to support your child's learning at home through interactive and engaging ways. We understand the importance of home and school links, to our relationship driven school and hope the following seeks clarity, as well as serving as a reminder of the purpose of each system. Please refer to the links below for further information. The school office is always happy to help, should you need help or support in accessing or understanding more about any system.
Wodensfield is a cashless school and our parent payment app allows you to pay for school meals, apple, trips etc. and receive reminder notifications via your mobile phone. The app is free to download and access.
Communication via the school office will be sent by School Gateway via an in-app message or direct email. This includes whole-school and/or class letters regarding events, trips etc. as well as reminders for outstanding consent and payment for events. Therefore, it is vital that parents register for the School Gateway app.
This is our teachers to parents communication system. Teachers use MarvellousMe to share wonderful news with parents about their child/ren’s learning and skill development. The app is free to download and access. It helps parents have conversations about their child’s day, receive good news and recognise school achievements.
Communication via class teachers and support staff will be sent via MarvellousMe. This includes recognition of ready, respect and safe conduct across the school day, reminders of key class dates and information, club information etc. Device notifications via app or email alert is available through the app settings.
Email Addresses
For general enquiries, please email office@wodensfield.org
To report your child’s absence, provide evidence for upcoming appointments or general attendance enquiries, please telephone the school office on 01902 556350 or email attendance@wodensfield.org
For SEND queries, please email sendlead@wodensfield.org
Please see below for a year group’s email address where enquiries relating to class work and attainment can be directed.
Nursery - Nurseryteacher@wodensfield.org
Reception - YRteacher@wodensfield.org
Year 1 - Y1teacher@wodensfield.org
Year 2 - Y2teacher@wodensfield.org
Year 3 - Y3teacher@wodensfield.org
Year 4 - Y4teacher@wodensfield.org
Year 5 - Y5teacher@wodensfield.org
Year 6 - Y6teacher@wodensfield.org
Our school provides a milk scheme that is available to all of our pupils. School milk is free for under-5s, and for over-5s it is available at a subsidised price of 28p per child per day. Each child that registers with Cool Milk will receive a 189ml portion of semi-skimmed milk every day, delivered fresh and chilled to the classroom. Register online, if you child is over 5 years old and not in receipt of Free School Meals.
Parent's Evening
Wodensfield uses the online booking system ‘SchoolCloud’ to organise parents evening appointments. This enables parents to book and, if necessary, edit appointments with class teachers directly. Once confirmed, parents will be sent an email confirmation. Further details will follow in a separate letter in the coming weeks.
We use Education City to set homework, based on topics that your child has been taught in class. The system has over 7,000 pieces of content, with lots of great resources to support and embed your child’s learning. Passwords are sent home at the start of the academic year, and are stuck in your child’s reading diary. The top class and top 10 children are recognised and celebrated in our weekly assembly.
We use Mathletics to set homework, to reinforce concepts that your child has been taught in class. Tasks will be set by the class teacher every Monday, and your child has one week to complete them. Passwords are sent home at the start of the academic year, and are stuck in your child’s reading diary. The top class and top 10 children are recognised and celebrated in our weekly assembly.
We use Times Tables Rock Stars to help your child learn their times tables through practice, aiming to secure their multiplication tables and become times table rock stars. Knowing times tables and associated division facts supports mathematical learning and understanding; it is an expectation that all children recite their times tables by the end of Year 4. Passwords are sent home at the start of the academic year, and are stuck in your child’s reading diary.