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KS1 Phonics/Reading

Reading occurs throughout the school day, right across the school curriculum and the ‘Reading Book’ is only one part of your child’s reading development.

School offers a wide variety of reading materials and experiences.

Reading is integral to most classroom activities and learning. Children develop their reading through interactive white board materials, big books, topic books, worksheets, signs, posters, displays etc.

At KS1 your child will read their school reading book with a teacher , TA or support on an individual basis at least once a week. If they are identified as a priority reader they will read two to three times a week with an adult. They will all also read at least three times in RWI lessons with specific phonic texts to meet their phonic needs.

It is expected that all children should practice their reading with an adult at home on a daily basis, to help develop their skills, sight vocabulary, phonics, fluency and love of reading.

At KS2 we aim to hear all children in Y 3 & 4 read at least once a week with an adult, at Y 5 & 6 this may be fortnightly. However priority readers will be identified and heard at least twice weekly on a one to one basis. Those children still on RWI will also read three times a week on the RWI program. All other children will have three focused reading days as part of their literacy teaching, where comprehension skills are taught and developed.

We expect the children to read at home with an adult or independently, their school reading book and a variety of other texts. The ‘Reading Round the World’ program encourages the children to read for pleasure, which in turn develops all of their reading skills.


RWI is introduced in Nursery to teach the children letter sounds. It is taught as a set lesson three times a week from Reception to Year 2. It is also taught at KS2 for children needing support.


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