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Celebrating the Festive Season with Wodensfield’s Wraparound Service

Dear Wodensfield Parents,

As the year draws to a close and we all get ready to wrap ourselves in the festive spirit of Christmas, we want to take a moment to reflect on the joyous times at our wraparound service. Our days are filled with the laughter and creativity of your children, and these precious moments truly embody the warmth of this special season.

A Season of Learning and Joy

From crafting colourful art pieces to engaging in cooperative games, our wraparound service has become a haven of learning and fun. The pictures attached capture the essence of our community: children dressed in festive attire, their faces alight with the excitement of the season, gathering in a circle of friendship and anticipation for the holidays.

Gratitude for Our Community

We are immensely grateful for the trust you place in us to care for your little ones. The opportunity to contribute to their growth and witness their daily achievements is a gift we cherish deeply.

A Christmas Wish for Our Families

As we approach Christmas, we extend our heartfelt wishes to each of you. May your holiday be filled with the laughter of children, the comfort of home, and the unity of family. Let the festive lights of Wodensfield shine bright and bring warmth to all.

We eagerly await to welcome the children back in the New Year for more adventures and milestones. Until then, we wish you a Merry Christmas, filled with peace, happiness, and treasured moments.

Warm regards,

The Aspire Kids Club Team at Wodensfield

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