A small group of our School Council were invited to take part in a patient experience project at New Cross Hospital.
The Deputy Head of Nursing for Paediatrics at New Cross Hospital asked our children to review their service and feedback what is good and bad. The project was built around an initiative called the ‘15 Steps Challenge’ which is inspired by a mother’s comment at a family involvement workshop - “I can tell what kind of care my daughter is going to get within 15 steps of walking onto every new ward”.
The children had a clipboard with a set questions to encourage them to observe what was going on around them after walking 15 steps onto the unit. They were also provided with some food from the catering trolley.
At the end of the day, the pupils gave feedback to the Deputy Head of Nursing and the Chief Nurse about what they have observed, which will form part of a report to be shared with the trust executives.
For the full press release, please follow this link: